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- July 1993
- Official Name: Republic of Hungary
- Geography
- Area: 93,000 sq. km. (36,000 sq. mi.); about the size of Indiana.
- Cities: Capital--Budapest (est. pop. 2 million); Debrecen
- (220,000); Miskolc (208,000); Szeged (189,000); Pecs (183,000).
- Terrain: Much of Hungary is flat, with low mountains in the
- north and northeast and north of Lake Balaton.
- Climate: Temperate. January average temp. 00C (320F); July 200C
- (700F).
- People
- Nationality: Noun and adjective--Hungarian(s).
- Population (1991 est.): 10 million.
- Ethnic groups: Magyar 92%, Gypsy 3% (est.), German 1%, Slovak 1%,
- Jews 1%, Southern Slav 1%, others 1%.
- Religions: Roman Catholic 68%, Calvinist 20%, Lutheran 5%,
- others, including Jewish, Baptist, Adventist, Pentecostal,
- Unitarian 5%.
- Languages: Magyar 98%, other 2%.
- Education: Compulsory to age 16. Attendance--96%. Literacy--99%.
- Health: Infant mortality rate--15/1,000. Life expectancy--67
- yrs. men, 75 yrs. women.
- Work force (5 million): Agriculture--19%. Industry and
- commerce--49%. Services--27%. Government--5%.
- Official language: Magyar (Hungarian).
- Government
- Type: Parliamentary democracy. Constitution: August 20, 1949.
- Substantially revised in 1989, amended in 1990.
- Branches: Executive--Council of Ministers.
- Legislative--Hungarian National Assembly (386 members, 4-yr.
- term). Judicial--Supreme Court and Constitutional Court.
- Administrative regions: 19 counties plus capital region of
- Budapest.
- Principal political parties: Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF,
- center); Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ, center left);
- Independent Smallholders' Party (FKGP, center right); Socialists
- (MSZP, reform communists); Federation of Young Democrats (FIDESZ,
- center left); Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP, center
- right).
- Flag: Three horizontal stripes--red, white, and green.
- Economy
- GDP (1992): $32 billion. Annual growth rate (1992): -4%. Per
- capita income (1992): $3,000. Inflation rate (1992): 24%.
- Natural resources: Fertile land, bauxite, brown coal.
- Agriculture/forestry (16% of 1990 GDP): Products--meat, corn,
- wheat, potatoes, sugar beets, vegetables, fruits, sunflower
- seeds. Arable land--51%, of which 71% is cultivated.
- Industry/construction (40% of 1990 GDP): Machinery, buses, and
- other transportation equipment; precision and measuring
- equipment; textiles; medical instruments; and pharmaceuticals.
- Trade (1992): Exports--$10.7 billion: machinery, buses, and
- other transportation equipment; medical instruments;
- pharmaceuticals; textiles; other consumer manufactures; and
- agricultural products. Major markets--Germany, Austria,
- Czechoslovakia, Italy, US, France, Commonwealth of Independent
- States. Imports--$11 billion: energy, raw materials, machinery,
- and transportation equipment. Major suppliers--Germany,
- Czechoslovakia, Austria, Commonwealth of Independent States.
- Official exchange rate (December 1992): About 83
- forints=U.S.$1.
- Since its conversion to Western Christianity before 1,000 AD,
- Hungary has been an integral part of Europe. Although Hungary
- was a monarchy for nearly 1,000 years, its constitutional system
- preceded, by several centuries, the establishment of
- Western-style governments in other European countries.
- Sharing defeat of the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy (1867-1918)
- at the end of World War I, Hungary lost two-thirds of its
- territory and nearly as much of its population. It experienced a
- brief but bloody communist dictatorship and counter-revolution in
- 1919, followed by a 25-year regency under Admiral Miklos Horthy.
- Although Hungary fought in most of World War II as a German ally,
- following an unsuccessful attempt to switch sides on October 15,
- 1944, it fell under German military occupation until the end of
- the war. In January 1945, a provisional government concluded an
- armistice with the Soviet Union. It also established the Allied
- Control Commission, under which Soviet, American, and British
- representatives held complete sovereignty over the country. The
- Commission's chairman was a member of Stalin's inner circle and
- exercised absolute control.
- Communist Takeover
- The provisional government, dominated by the Hungarian Communist
- Party (HCP), was replaced in November 1945 after elections which
- gave majority control of a coalition government to the
- Independent Smallholders' Party. The government instituted a
- radical land reform and gradually nationalized mines, electric
- plants, four heavy industries, and some large banks.
- The communists ultimately undermined the coalition regime through
- discrediting leaders of rival parties and by terror, blackmail,
- and framed trials. In elections tainted by fraud in 1947, the
- leftist bloc gained control of the government; post-war
- cooperation between the U.S.S.R. and the West collapsed as the
- Cold War began. With Soviet support, Moscow-trained Matyas
- Rakosi began to establish a communist dictatorship. By February
- 1949, all opposition parties had been forced to merge with the
- HCP to form the Hungarian Workers' Party. In 1949, the
- communists held a single-list election and adopted a Soviet-style
- constitution which created the Hungarian People's Republic.
- Rakosi became Prime Minister in 1952.
- Between 1948 and 1953, the Hungarian economy was reorganized
- according to the Soviet model. In 1949, the country joined the
- Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CEMA)--a Soviet-bloc
- economic organization. All private industrial firms with more
- than 10 employees were nationalized. Freedom of the press,
- religion, and assembly were strictly curtailed; the head of the
- Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty, was sentenced
- to life imprisonment.
- But the forced industrialization and land collectivization soon
- led to serious economic difficulties, which reached crisis
- proportions by mid-1953, the year Stalin died. The new Soviet
- leaders blamed Rakosi for Hungary's economic situation and began
- a more flexible policy in Eastern Europe called the "New Course."
- Imre Nagy replaced Rakosi as prime minister in 1953 and
- repudiated much of Rakosi's economic program of forced
- collectivization and heavy industry. He also ended political
- purges and freed thousands of political prisoners.
- However, the economic situation continued to deteriorate, and
- Rakosi succeeded in disrupting the reforms and in forcing Nagy
- from power in 1955 for "right-wing revisionism." Hungary joined
- the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact Treaty Organization the same year.
- Rakosi's attempt to restore Stalinist orthodoxy then foundered as
- increasing opposition developed within the party and among
- students and other organizations after Khrushchev's 1956
- denunciation of Stalin. Fearing revolution, Moscow replaced
- Rakosi with his deputy, Erno Gero, in order to contain growing
- ideological and political ferment.
- 1956 Revolution
- Pressure for change reached a climax on October 23, 1956, when
- the security forces fired on Budapest students marching in
- support of Poland's confrontation with the Soviet Union. The
- ensuing battle quickly grew into a massive popular uprising.
- Gero called on Soviet troops to restore order on October 24.
- Fighting did not abate until the Central Committee named Imre
- Nagy as prime minister on October 25, and the next day Janos
- Kadar replaced Gero as party first secretary. Nagy dissolved the
- state security police, abolished the one-party system, promised
- free elections, and negotiated with the U.S.S.R to withdraw its
- troops.
- Faced with reports of new Soviet troops pouring into Hungary
- despite Soviet Ambassador Andropov's assurances to the contrary,
- on November 1, Nagy announced Hungary's neutrality and withdrawal
- from the Warsaw Pact. He appealed to the United Nations and the
- Western powers for protection of its neutrality. Preoccupied
- with the Suez Crisis, the UN and the West failed to respond. The
- Soviet Union launched a massive military attack on Hungary on
- November 3. Some 200,000 Hungarians fled to the West. Nagy and
- his colleagues took refuge in the Yugoslav Embassy.
- Janos Kadar, after delivering an impassioned radio address on
- November 1 in support of "our glorious revolution" and vowing to
- fight the Russians with his bare hands if they attacked Hungary,
- defected from the Nagy cabinet; he fled to the Soviet Union and
- on November 4 announced formation of a new government. He
- returned to Budapest and, with Soviet support, carried out severe
- reprisals; thousands of people were executed or imprisoned.
- Despite a guarantee of safe conduct, Nagy was arrested and
- deported to Romania. In June 1958, the government announced that
- Nagy and other former officials had been executed.
- Reform Under Kadar
- In the early 1960s, Kadar announced a new policy under the motto
- of "He who is not against us is with us." He declared a general
- amnesty, gradually curbed some of the excesses of the secret
- police, and introduced a relatively liberal cultural and economic
- course aimed at overcoming the post-1956 hostility toward him and
- his regime. In 1966, the Central Committee approved the "New
- Economic Mechanism," through which it sought to overcome the
- inefficiencies of central planning, to increase productivity, to
- make Hungary more competitive in world markets, and to create
- prosperity to ensure political stability. However, the reform
- was not as comprehensive as planned, and basic flaws of central
- planning continued to stagnate economic growth.
- Over the next two decades of relative domestic quiet, Kadar's
- government responded to pressure for political and economic
- reform and to counter-pressures from reform opponents. By the
- early 1980s, it had achieved some lasting economic reforms and
- limited political liberalization and pursued a foreign policy
- which encouraged more trade with the West. Nevertheless, the New
- Economic Mechanism led to foreign debt in pursuit of economic
- stimuli for unprofitable industries.
- Transition to Democracy
- Hungary's transition to a Western-style parliamentary democracy
- was the first and the smoothest among the former Soviet bloc,
- inspired by a nationalism that long had encouraged Hungarians to
- control their own destiny. By 1987, activists within the party
- and bureaucracy and Budapest-based intellectuals were increasing
- pressure for change. Some of these became reform socialists.
- Others began movements which were to develop into parties. Young
- liberals formed the Federation of Young Democrats (FIDESZ); a
- core from the so-called Democratic Opposition formed the
- Association of Free Democrats (SZDSZ); and the neopopulist
- national opposition established the Hungarian Democratic Forum
- (MDF). Civic activism intensified to a level not seen since the
- 1956 revolution. In 1988, Kadar was replaced as prime minister,
- and Reform Socialist leader Imre Pozsgay was admitted to the
- Politburo. That same year, the parliament adopted a "democracy
- package," which included trade union pluralism; freedom of press,
- association, and assembly; a new electoral law; and a radical
- revision of the constitution, among others.
- A Central Committee plenum in February 1989 endorsed in principle
- the multiparty political system and the characterization of the
- October 1956 revolution as a "popular uprising," in the words of
- Pozsgay, whose reform movement had been gathering strength as
- communist party membership declined dramatically. Kadar's major
- political rivals then cooperated to move the country gradually to
- democracy. The Soviet Union reduced its involvement by signing
- an agreement in April 1989 to withdraw Soviet forces by June
- 1991. National unity culminated in June 1989 as the country
- reburied Imre Nagy, his associates, and, symbolically, all other
- victims of the 1956 revolution. A roundtable, made up of
- representatives of the new parties and some recreated old parties
- (such as the Smallholders and Social Democrats), the communist
- party, and different social groups, met in the summer and fall of
- 1989 to discuss major changes to the Hungarian constitution and
- the steps in the transition to a fully free and democratic
- country. In October 1989, the communist party convened its last
- congress, which ended with a substantial victory for the party's
- reform faction and a change in name to the Hungarian Socialist
- Party.
- In a historic session on October 16-20, 1989, the parliament
- adopted legislation providing for multiparty parliamentary
- elections and a direct presidential election. The parliament
- aimed to transform Hungary from a people's republic into the
- Republic of Hungary, to protect human and civil rights, and to
- ensure separation of powers among the judicial, executive, and
- legislative branches of government. It asserted the "values of
- bourgeois democracy and democratic socialism" and gave equal
- status to public and private property as a prerequisite for
- moving toward a market economy.
- Principal Government Officials
- President--Arpad Goncz
- Prime Minister--Jozsef Antall (MDF)
- Minister of Foreign Affairs--Geza Jeszenszky (MDF)
- Ambassador to the United States--Pal Tar
- Ambassador to the United Nations--Andre Erdos
- The Hungarian embassy is located at 3910 Shoemaker St. NW,
- Washington, DC 20008.
- Hungary's first free, multiparty elections in more than 40 years
- were a milestone in the move toward a parliamentary democracy.
- In 1990, the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) won 43% of the vote
- to 24% for the Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ). As a result,
- the MDF leader, Jozsef Antall, became prime minister and formed a
- center-right coalition government--with the Independent
- Smallholders' Party (12%) and the Christian Democratic People's
- Party (6%)--to command a 60% majority in the parliament. In
- addition to a small number of independents, the other parties
- represented in the parliament were the HSP, who gained only 8%
- despite their reformist credentials, and the Young Democrats
- (FIDESZ), who received 6%.
- The Antall coalition government has achieved a reasonably
- well-functioning parliamentary democracy and is laying the
- foundation for a free market economy. The non-communist
- government formed by Prime Minister Jozsef Antall in May 1990 has
- made considerable progress toward transformation of the Hungarian
- economic system. Its stated objective is a "social market"
- system, in which the market mechanism would be the basic guide of
- economic activity and the state would provide an extensive safety
- net for the needy.
- The prime minister selects the ministers in his cabinet. Under a
- checks-and-balances system, each cabinet nominee appears before
- four parliamentary committees in open hearings. The unicameral
- Hungarian National Assembly is the highest organ of state
- authority and initiates and approves legislation sponsored by the
- Prime Minister. A 15-member constitutional court has power to
- challenge legislation on grounds of unconstitutionality.
- As the 1994 elections approach, there has been a growing sense of
- disillusionment and frustration among the populace, especially
- pensioners, the unemployed, and families seriously affected by
- inflation and the other costs of the transition to a free-market
- economy. Disenchantment with parliamentary politics has grown,
- due to the contentious nature of partisan disputes, and voter
- participation has been low in a number of by-elections since
- 1990. The perceived gulf between the voters and political
- parties has not led to massive social disturbances, with the one
- exception of a taxi drivers' civil disobedience action, which
- paralyzed the county for 3 days in October 1990.
- Before World War II, Hungary had a predominantly agricultural
- economy. Following the standard Stalinist pattern,
- industrialization was forced on Hungary in the post-war period.
- Under communism, most economic activity was conducted by
- state-owned enterprises or cooperatives, although various small
- businesses were allowed to operate. Agriculture was
- collectivized, undoing the immediate post-war division of large
- estates among small peasant owners. Today, farms are being
- privatized, both to small holders and to agribusiness firms.
- In 1950, more than 50% of the labor force worked on the land;
- now, slightly less than 20% engages in agricultural activity.
- Recently, Hungarian agriculture has been generally
- self-sufficient and an important source of export earnings. Both
- the agricultural and industrial sectors have suffered from a lack
- of investment since the late 1970s. In the 1970s and 1980s,
- Hungary accumulated a huge foreign debt, largely to finance
- subsidies to consumers and to unprofitable state enterprises.
- Net foreign debt rose from about $1 billion in 1972 to about $13
- billion in 1992, giving Hungary the highest per capita debt in
- Central Europe. Its repayment record, however, has been
- excellent.
- Changes introduced by the communist regime, particularly during
- its last 2 years, eased the transformation to a market economy.
- When Antall took office, 150 state enterprises already had been
- privatized under a "business transformation" law. Private firms
- had rights equal to those of state enterprises under a law on
- corporate association. A joint venture law was in place, and
- foreign companies had begun to invest in Hungary. A little-used
- bankruptcy law was in place. A value-added tax and a progressive
- personal income tax had largely replaced the former arbitrary
- levies on profits of state enterprises. The 1990 budget passed
- by the communist parliament had slashed the annual deficit by
- cutting subsidies while raising charges on fuel, cigarettes, and
- liquor.
- The Antall Government has encouraged the founding of private
- businesses and moved forward on privatization of state
- enterprises, putting most state assets into the hands of a new
- State Property Agency. Part or all of 429 companies have
- achieved privatization, perhaps one-fifth of the state
- enterprises designated for sale to private owners. This has
- addressed the abuse of the business transformation act by some
- state enterprise managers who had used it for personal gain.
- Also, open bidding now is required for any acquisition of a state
- enterprise. By the end of 1992, more than 60,000 private
- businesses were operating; 40% were active in construction. In
- 1992, more than 12,000 foreign firms were doing business in
- Hungary.
- The 1992 federal budget ended with a deficit of 8% of GDP,
- stalling a 3-year program with the IMF, as revenue shortfalls
- exceeded budget cuts. The government cut all consumer subsidies
- and reduced the real value of subsidies to the remaining state
- enterprises. Subsidy cuts led to increases in the price of
- medicines, bakery products, sugar, rice, railroad and bus
- transportation, postage, telephone calls, water and sewerage
- services, electricity, coal, and gas. Charges on concessionary
- home mortgages were increased substantially.
- The deregulation of prices begun under the communist regime has
- been extended by the Antall Government; more than 95% of prices
- have been decontrolled. The reform effort incurs painful,
- immediate costs to achieve more productive use of economic
- resources and higher income in the longer term. Phasing out
- uneconomic activities and reducing exports to the former Soviet
- bloc helped lead to a decline in the gross domestic product (GDP)
- in 1992 that amounted, in real terms, to 4%. Unemployment rose
- from 1.7% of the labor force in 1990 to an average of about 13%
- in 1992.
- Foreign Trade
- Hungary has shifted much of its trade from its former Soviet-bloc
- partners to Western countries. In 1992, 75% of Hungary's trade
- was with Western countries; Germany now is Hungary's principal
- trading partner, providing more trade with Hungary than with all
- of the former Soviet republics. Trade with Russia has been
- further reduced due to declining oil exports to Hungary. Trade
- with the United States is increasing; total trade has risen to
- about $600 million in 1992. The U.S. has extended to Hungary
- most-favored-nation status, Generalized System of Preferences
- concessions, Overseas Private Investment Corporation insurance,
- and access to the Export-Import Bank. The two countries have
- concluded a bilateral investment treaty and are negotiating a
- business and economic treaty. In 1992, more than 400 U.S. firms
- were operating in Hungary, an increase of 34% from 1991.
- Foreign concerns have invested over $5 billion in Hungary--more
- than half of all foreign investment in Central and Eastern
- Europe. The United States is the largest investor, with about $2
- billion invested by mid-1992, followed by Germany and Austria.
- Foreign capital is attracted by low wages for highly skilled
- workers, generous tax incentives, favorable geographic location,
- fertile land, and knowledge of the market of the former Soviet
- bloc.
- Any Hungarian person or enterprise may engage in international
- trade now, and about 90% of imports have been freed from license
- restrictions.
- Except for the short-lived neutrality declared by Imre Nagy in
- November 1956, Hungary's foreign policy generally followed the
- Soviet lead from 1947-89. During 1948-49, Hungary maintained
- treaties of friendship, cooperation, and mutual assistance with
- the former Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and
- Bulgaria. In 1950, it concluded a friendship treaty with the
- then-German Democratic Republic. It was one of the founding
- members of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact and CEMA, and it was the
- first Central European country to withdraw from those
- organizations, both now defunct.
- Along with other European associates of the former Soviet Union,
- Hungary has been participating in East-West cooperation agreed
- upon at the 1975 Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation
- in Europe (CSCE). It has signed all of the CSCE follow-on
- documents since 1989. Hungary's record of implementing CSCE
- Helsinki Final Act provisions, including those on reunification
- of divided families, remains among the best in Eastern Europe.
- Relations with Romania, however, have remained strained in recent
- years over charges of human rights violations against the ethnic
- Hungarian minority in Transylvania.
- Hungary has been a member of the United Nations since December
- 1955 and is a member of the 1992-93 Security Council. It is
- committed to strengthening ties with the West and with Japan and
- the newly industrialized countries of Asia. Prime Minister
- Antall has expressed strong interest in joining the European
- Community and NATO. Early in his Administration, he visited
- Austria, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom,
- and the United States.
- Hungary spearheaded the move leading to the dissolution of the
- Warsaw Pact Treaty Organization by its 17% reduction of defense
- expenditures and the 30% reduction of its armed forces between
- 1989 and 1992 to a level of 100,000. This latter figure includes
- 26,000 civilian employees of the Hungarian Home Defense Forces
- (HHDF). Renamed the Hungarian Home Defense Forces, (Honvedseg),
- the military has undergone major restructuring in organization,
- orientation, and training. The Home Defense Force includes the
- army, which is the largest, followed by the air force and a small
- naval contingent that patrols the Danube River. Young men become
- eligible at age 18 for 12 months of military service; 16-month
- alternate service in non-military institutions is available for
- conscientious objectors.
- On March 11, 1989, Hungary and the Soviet Union concluded an
- agreement under which the latter withdrew all 65,000 troops from
- the country in June 1991 and asked that Hungary compensate the
- former Soviets for the military bases they relinquished.
- Hungarian counter-claims charge that some of the bases were built
- without permission and do not conform to Hungarian building
- codes. Toxic wastes and other Soviet materials left behind at
- these bases constitute a serious environmental hazard. The zero
- option of no claim for compensation by either side was finally
- worked out. As compensation for a portion of state debt to
- Hungary, both sides, Hungary and Russia, agreed that a sum of up
- to $800 million in military equipment would be made available to
- Hungary. This will apparently result in Hungary's acquisition of
- MIG-29 aircraft.
- Relations between the United States and Hungary following World
- War II were affected by Soviet armed forces' occupation of
- Hungary. Full diplomatic relations were established at the
- legation level on October 12, 1945, before the signing of the
- Hungarian peace treaty on February 10, 1947.
- After the communist takeover in 1947-48, relations with Hungary
- were increasingly strained by the nationalization of U.S.-owned
- property, unacceptable treatment of U.S. citizens and personnel,
- and restrictions on the operations of the American Legation.
- During the difficult period following the Hungarian national
- uprising in 1956, relations continued to erode.
- Embassies were opened in 1966, and bilateral relations slowly but
- steadily improved after ambassadors were exchanged. In 1972, a
- consular convention was concluded to provide consular protection
- to U.S. citizens in Hungary. In 1973, a bilateral agreement was
- reached under which Hungary settled the nationalization claims of
- American citizens. In 1976, Hungary paid its debt arrearages to
- the U.S. Government in full, including those dating back to the
- post-World War I era. In 1977, an agreement on exchanges and
- cooperation in culture, education, science, and technology was
- concluded.
- In January 1978, the United States returned to the people of
- Hungary the historic Crown of Saint Stephen and other Hungarian
- coronation regalia that had been safeguarded by the United States
- since the end of World War II. Symbolically and actually, this
- event marked the beginning of excellent relationships between the
- two countries. A 1978 bilateral trade agreement included
- extension of most-favored-nation status. Cultural and scientific
- exchanges were expanded. Major U.S. official cultural exhibits
- have been well received. In 1989, the United States and Hungary
- renewed a civil air agreement providing for direct service
- between New York and Budapest.
- Then, as Hungary began to pull away from the links forged by
- Soviet communism, the United States offered assistance and
- expertise to help establish a constitution, a democratic
- political system, and a plan for a free market economy. Between
- 1989 and 1992, the Support for East European Democracy (SEED)
- Act, provided more than $121 million for economic restructuring
- and private sector development. The Hungarian-American
- Enterprise Fund, capitalized at $65 million, offers loans, equity
- capital, and technical assistance to promote private sector
- development Hungarian-American joint ventures.
- In 1991 the U.S. and Hungary initiated a security assistance
- relationship which is now active in both the International
- Military Education and Training Program ($700,000) and the $13
- million Foreign Military Sales Program.
- Additional U.S. assistance includes a $10 million energy sector
- grant and other technical assistance. Grants to the
- International Executive Service Corps, MBA Enterprise Corps
- (composed of recent recipients of Master of Business
- Administration degrees), and the Center for International Private
- Enterprise helps these non-governmental organizations provide
- expertise directly to private enterprises.
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Environmental
- Law Institute assist the Ministry of Environment and the
- Hungarian Parliament in drafting the country's first
- environmental legislation. Other issues receiving attention
- include health care, employment, housing, education, and small
- business development. About 140 Peace Corps volunteers
- throughout Hungary work to improve English language training and
- environmental awareness.
- Principal U.S. Officials
- Ambassador--Charles H. Thomas
- Deputy Chief of Mission--Richard L. Baltimore III
- Press/Cultural Affairs--Donna Culpepper
- Political--William Siefkin
- Economic--Charles English
- Commercial--Gary Gallagher
- Science Attache--Lawrence Cohen
- Administrative--Martha L. Campbell
- Consul--Arnold Haskin Campbell
- Defense Attache--Col. John Concannon
- AID Director --David Cowles
- The U.S. embassy in Hungary is located at Szabadsag Ter 12,
- Budapest (tel. 112-6450).
- Travel Notes
- Customs: No visa is required for visits up to 90 days. Visitors
- are encouraged to register at the US Embassy. There is no limit
- on the amount of hard currency that may be brought into Hungary.
- However, travelers are required to declare upon entry any foreign
- funds in their possession to facilitate re-export of the funds
- upon departure. Immunization requirements are generally those of
- Western Europe.
- Climate and clothing: Budapest's climate is temperate, with
- seasons of almost equal length.
- Health: Services and medications are widely available and
- generally adequate, although of a different standard from that in
- the United States. Tapwater is potable. Raw fruits and
- vegetables are safe to eat. Avoid unpasteurized milk.
- Telecommunications: Telephone and telegraph services are readily
- available at standard international rates. Hungary is 6 hours
- ahead of Eastern Standard Time.
- Tourist attractions: Budapest is the country's leading tourist
- attraction, especially for its museums, historic houses and
- buildings of the "Var" (Royal Castle) area overlooking the Danube
- River. Roman ruins are located at Aquincum in suburban Budapest
- and other parts of Transdanubia (Pannonia). The remains of the
- Renaissance palace of the Hungarian kings at Visegrad on the
- Danube bend are of great historic and cultural interest. Many
- Europeans visit Lake Balaton, Central Europe's largest lake, for
- fishing, swimming and sunbathing. Thermal baths are located
- throughout the country. The Hungarian Puszta or "Great Plain" in
- the east is interesting for its wildlife.
- National holidays: Businesses and the US Embassy may be closed
- on the following Hungarian holidays:
- New Year's Day--January 1
- Commemoration of 1848-49 Revolution--March 15
- Easter Monday--date varies
- Labor Day--May 1
- National Day (St. Stephen's Day--August 20
- Commemoration of 1956 Revolution--October 23
- Christmas Day--December 25
- Boxing Day--December 26
- Further Information
- American University. Area Handbook for Hungary. Available from
- the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
- Washington, DC 20402:
- For information on economic trends, commercial development,
- production, trade regulations, and tariff rates, contact the
- International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce,
- Washington, DC, 20230, or any Commerce Department district
- office. For information on business opportunities, call the
- Commerce Department's East European Business Information Center
- at (202) 377-2645.
- Published by the United States Department of State -- Bureau of
- Public Affairs -- Office of Public Communication -- Washington,
- DC -- July 1993 -- Editor: Pete Knecht
- Department of State Publication 7915
- Background Notes Series -- This material is in the public domain
- and may be reprinted without permission; citation of this source
- is appreciated.
- For sale by the Superindendent of Documents, US Government
- Printing Office, Washington , DC 20402.